150 Best Names for Cats With Blue Eyes

Blue eyed cat names

While Gumball might make a cute name for a cat with blue eyes, we prefer to offer you some more elegant and meaningful cat name suggestions, befitting of their station in your household. These unique names for cats with blue eyes are chiefly inspired by Blues artists, celebrities with blue eyes, blue vistas, fine arts, Japanese translations and famous blue gemstones.

The Best Posh Cat Names From Famous Blue Gemstones

These rich cat names honor the elegance of the most posh pet, the domestic house cat. Surely your kitty’s large blue eyes would give any gemstone on this list a run for their money, given their naturally captivating beauty.

Blue Belle of Asia: The Blue Belle of Asia is a massive sapphire weighing 392.52 carats.

Blue Giant of the Orient: The Blue Giant of the Orient is the largest sapphire in the world at 486 carats and two inches across at its widest point. Name your kitty after this gemstone and you can call him Giant, like the Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson and James Dean movie.

Logan: The Logan Blue Sapphire is a massive gemstone at 423 carats, set in silver and gold, surrounded by 12 diamonds as a broach. Accordingly, it currently resides in the Smithsonian.

Middleton: This famous sapphire was first the engagement ring of the late Princess Diana, consequently it now graces the hand of Princess Kate Middleton.

Sapphire Inspired Names for Cats

Okavango: This blue diamond was the largest unearthed at a whopping 41.11 carats. After cutting and polishing, the Okavango still weighs in at an impressive 20.46 carats.

Rockefeller: This blue sapphire is internally flawless, purchased by John D. Rockefeller for his wife Abby. This flawless gemstone last sold for $3 million.

Star: The Star of Bombay is a cabochon cut sapphire originally given to Mary Pickford by her husband, Douglas Fairbanks. Moreover, Bombay Sapphire gin took its name from this famous blue gemstone. This too currently resides in the Smithsonian.

Stuart: One of the British crown jewels, this sapphire naturally resides in the Tower of London.

Famous Blue Diamond Names For Cats

Hope: Perhaps the most famous gemstone in the world, the Hope diamond is a blue diamond believed to carry a particularly deadly curse to its owners.

Josephine: Not to be confused with the sapphire given to Empress Josephine by Napoleon, the Blue Moon of Josephine is a blue diamond that was purchased by Hong Kong billionaire Joseph Lau for his youngest daughter Josephine. Notwithstanding, Josephine was seven years old at the time of its acquisition.

Okavango: This blue diamond was the largest unearthed at a whopping 41.11 carats. Surprisingly, after cutting and polishing, the Okavango still weighs in at an impressive 20.46 carats.

Oppenheimer: As this blue diamond recently sold in 2016, certainly the most expensive diamond ever sold, at $58 million.

Sultan: The Sultan of Morocco is a blue diamond, originally in Russian possession, eventually residing in possession of the Sultans of Morocco.

Zoe: This blue diamond was recently purchased and named by Hong Kong billionaire Joseph Lau for his 12-year-old daughter Zoe. The purchase initiated an international fascination with blue diamonds, making them the most desirable of the colored stones.

Names for Cats With Blue Eyes From Blues Artists

If the blues have ever made your brown eyes blue, consider naming your blue-eyed kitty after one of these great blues artists. You can even go punny with it, with ideas such as Mew Rainey or B.B. Kitty.

B.B. King

Big Maybelle

Billie Holiday, aka Lady Day

Bobby Bland

Buddy Guy

Bo Diddley

Bukka White


Ella Fitzgerald

Etta James

Houston Stackhouse

Howlin’ Wolf

Ida Cox

John Lee Hooker

Johnny Ace

Joplin Janis and Scott Joplin (Ragtime composer)

KoKo Taylor


Lightnin’ Hopkins

Little Walter

Lucille: B.B. King’s Guitar.

Magic Sam

Mamie Smith

Memphis Minnie

Muddy Waters

Ma Rainey

Nappy Brown

Peatie Wheatstraw

Roscoe Gordon

Sippie Wallace

Skip James

Steely Dan

Taj Mahal

Tampa Red

T-Bone Walker

Winter: Edgar and Johnny Winter

Artistic Names for Cats With Blue Eyes

These once Avant Garde artists are renown for their fascination with the color blue. From pale blues to greenish blues and cobalt blues, their works memorialize our fascination with this air and water color. The most famous of these blue-fascinated artists is Picasso and his haunting “Blue Period” paintings.

Bestow grandeur on your blue-eyed kitty with a unique name for cats with blue eyes from one of these great artists, and celebrate your lithe kitty’s inherently aesthetic qualities.

Modern Artist Names for Cat with Blue Eyes

Albers: Josef Albers is best known for his series Homage to the Square. In these works, blue is often juxtaposed against complementary colors within nested squares, ultimately exploring and stretching the boundaries of traditional color theory.

Matisse: In French, the name Matisse is derived from Matias, meaning “Gift of God.” Matisse’s fascination with the color blue is seen in many of his works, which culminates in a series of “Blue Nudes.”

Mondrian: Piet Mondrian’s oeuvre evolved from landscape paintings to abstract art in the form of rectangles and squares represented in primary colors, trimmed in black. Mondrian believed his paintings would create a new, international language derived from the flatness of form, use of primary colors, and the dynamic tension created by the composition of the geometric forms. Naturally, the powerful cobalt blue squares “pop” from his paintings.

Monet: His massive paintings of water lilies create a soothing, watery world within the Musee de L’Orangerie Tuileries. Within two oval rooms, Monet’s paintings, each two meters tall, span an impressive 91 meters in length, forming an infinity symbol. Name your cat Monet if you are seeking a tranquil companion to relax with you.

The Blue Period

Picasso: His Blue Period lasted from 1900 to 1904. This body of work is composed of monochromatic paintings in shades of blue and blue-green.

Rothko: Mark Rothko refused to paint representational art. Instead, he painted vast, vibrant fields of color, untitled works that were merely numbered. Many of Rothko’s works explored the relationship of blue to these contrasts of blue on blue, blue and rust, blue and green, as well as blue, orange, and red.

Van Gogh: Some of Van Gogh’s most famous works celebrate the deep blues seen in his works such as Irises, Starry Night and Water Lilies.

Yves Klein: French artist, Yves Klein, was a performance artist as well as painter and sculptor whose signature electric blue was registered with the Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle as International Klein Blue (IKB). Klein famously used nude models, smeared with his blue paint, as his paintbrushes in his Anthropometries series.

Sliding the nude models across canvases on the floor, before an audience, Klein created works of art while maintaining pure cleanliness for himself. As he noted, “In this way, I stayed clean. I no longer dirtied myself with color, not even the tips of my fingers.” Klein’s performances that made up the Anthropometries series included blue cocktails for the audience and featured the Monotone Symphony, which was comprised of a single note played for twenty minutes, followed by twenty minutes of silence.

Klein means “small” in German and makes a cute name for a small cat with blue eyes.

Blue Eyed Cat Names
Rich names for cats from blue gemstones include Hope, Giant and Middleton. Photo by Jakub Pabis on Unsplash

Blue-eyed Celebrity Cat Names

While Frank Sinatra, aka “Ole Blue Eyes,” is the performer best known for having signature blue eyes, these other artists have built careers around their cool blue gazes. Consider one of these handsome blue-eyed actors’ or actresses’ names for your cat if he or she is worthy of a big-screen moniker. In many instances, both the first and the last names of these greats make a cute call name for your kitty companion.

Cat naming tip: Honor your kitty’s blue eyes with a clever mashup of celebrity names. Cat name mashups might include Jude Claw Wilder, Leo Hunter Hopkins or Charlton Hisston Hur.

35 Famous Blue Eyed Male Actors for a Cat Name Mashup

Bowie: David Bowie

Burton: Richard Burton

Brando: Marlon Brando

Cagney: James Cagney

Cooper: Gary Cooper

Curtis: Tony Curtis

Dean: James Dean

Derek: John Derek

Grant: Hugh Grant

Fonda: Henry Fonda

Harmon: Mark Harmon

Heston: Charlton Heston, aka Ben Hur

Hopkins: Anthony Hopkins

Hunter: Tab Hunter

Hunter: Jeffrey Hunter, Captain Pike Starship Enterprise.

Jude: Jude Law

Justin Timberlake

Kirk: Captain Kirk or Father of Michael Douglas, Kirk Douglas.

Lancaster: Burt Lancaster

Leo: Leonardo DiCaprio

Leto: Jared Leto

Lewis: Daniel Day-Lewis

Lowe: Rob Lowe

Marvin: Lee Marvin, aka Liberty Valance

McQueen: Steve McQueen, every man’s man.

Neeson: Liam Neeson

Newman: Paul Newman

O’Toole: Peter O’Toole, aka Lawrence of Arabia.

Pitt: Brad Pitt

Plummer: Christopher Plummer, Sound of Music.

Randolph: Randolph Scott

Reeves: Steve Reeves, bodybuilder and Hercules.

Shatner: William Shatner

Sheen: Martin Sheen

Sinatra: Frank Sinatra

Walken: Christopher Walken

Walker: Clint Walker

Wilder: Gene Wilder

35 Female Actors With Blue Eyes for a Cat Name Mashup

Andrews: Julie Andrews

Bacall: Lauren Bacall

Bergman: Ingrid Bergman

Blanchett: Cate Blanchett

Caron: Leslie Caron

Carter: Linda Carter, aka Wonder Woman.

Cyrus: Miley Cyrus

Danes: Claire Danes

Davis: Bette Davis

Dench: Dame Judi Dench

Derek: Bo Derek, 10

Diaz: Cameron Diaz

Dietrich: Marlene Dietrich

Fanning: Dakota Fanning

Hadid: Gigi Hadid

Hedren: Tippi Hedren

Hemingway: Margaux and Mariel Hemingway

Holliday: Judy Holliday

Johansson: Scarlett Johansson

Jolie: Angelina Jolie

Kelly: Grace Kelly or you can call her Princess.

Kidman: Nicole Kidman

Kunis: Mila Kunis

Lake: Veronica Lake

Lamarr: Hedy Lamarr

Leigh: Vivian Leigh, aka Scarlett O’Hara

Lombard: Carole Lombard

Lucy: Lucille Ball

Margret: Ann Margret

Novak: Kim Novak

Perry: Katy Perry, her cat is named Catty Purry.

Streisand: Barbra Streisand

Swift: Taylor Swift

Taylor: Elizabeth Taylor

Turner: Lana Turner

Theron: Charlize Theron

Vanessa: Vanessa Williams

Witherspoon: Reese Witherspoon

Japanese Names for Cats with Blue Eyes Female

Cat Trivia: In Japan they say “nyan” instead of “meow.” Moreover, the Japanese celebrate Cat Day on February 22nd, because “nyan” sounds like their word for “two.”

Aiiro: Japanses for “indigo.”

Bijin: Means “beautiful woman” in Japanese.

Geisha: Japanese for “entertainer.”

Joshi: Japanese for “young girl.”

Kawaii: Means “pretty” in Japanese.

Kirei: Feminine form of “pretty” in Japanese.

Koneko: Means “kitten.”

Koniro: Japanese for “navy blue.”

Mizuiro: Japanese for “sky blue.”

Nekomata: Type of cat or supernatural entity.

Onna: Means “woman” in Japanese.

Ruri: Means “Lapis Lazuli.”

Shishi: Chinese word for “lion.”

Shōjo: Japanese for “little woman.”

Suki: Means “loved one.”

Suteki: Compliment in Japanese, meaning “you are beautiful.”

Tatsu: Means “dragon.”

Japanese Names for Cats with Blue Eyes Male

Bakeneko: Means “transformed cat.”

Bushi: Means “warrior.”

Dansei: Means “male.”

Hanayaka: Means “radiant” or “colorful.”

Hansamu: Japanese for “handsome.”

Ikemen: Means “good-looking” or “stylish man.”

Jouhin: Means “elegant” or “refined.”

Kakkoii: Means “cool” or “attractive.”

Miryokuteki: Means “attractive” or “charming” in.

Noko: Means “boy.”

Otoko: Means “man.”

Otokomae: Means “elegant man” or “handsome man.”

Raion: Means “lion.”

Samurai: Aristocratic warrior.

Tora: Means “tiger.”

Names for Cats From Words That Mean Blue

Whether your kitty has sky blue or sapphire blue eyes, evidently, the eyes have it. Nothing is more wonderous than gazing into a cat’s luminous eyes, and when those eyes are blue, mankind is universally fascinated. Name your kitty after his hypnotic gaze with one of these blueish words.

Aqua: A pale watery green-blue blue.

Azul: Galician, word for blue.

Azure: The color of a clear blue sky.

Baby: A shade of pale blue.

Bleu: French, means blue.

Capri: An island in Italy, as well as the color of a deeper sky blue than azure.

Carolina: Tarheel blue. “If God did not love Carolina, he would not have made the sky Tarheel Blue.”

Celeste: A pale blue-green shade.

Ceylon: Ceylon blue is the purest blue color of the highest quality sapphire, currently mined in Sri Lanka.

Cobalt: Deep, bold blue often found in antique glass. The color is derived from the cobalt chemical element.

Cyan: A greenish-blue, mostly the primary color used in printers to create blue tones.

Electric: The shade of the room in which David Bowie shall live.

Ice: Palest blue shade.

Indigo: A pale blue flower common to North America.

Kashmir: Formerly the finest sapphires in the world, once mined in the Kashmir region of India. No longer available to modern trade, occasionally these magnificent gemstones can be found in today’s antique jewelry stores.

Maya: Shade of pale blue.

Mizu: Japanese, word for blue.

Navy: A deep blackish blue. Navy makes a cute name for a seafaring cats.

Cat Trivia: Did you know cats make good sailors? The rarely get seasick and are still used today to reduce vermin on ships.

Powder: A light shade of blue. Name your cat Powder, and you can call him Pow Pow!

Robin: Robin’s egg blue.

Sapphire: Gemstone that represents good fortune, wisdom, and virtue. Often the sapphire is used in an amulet, such as the evil eye, to ward off evil.

Siniy: Russian, means blue.

Skye: Sky blue is a lighter shade of blue than azure. It is closer to the hot midday sky of late summer.

Teal: A type of bird and blue-green shade of blue.

Topaz: The symbol of love and affection, the light blue topaz is referred to as London, while the deeper colored stone is the Hampton blue gem. Name your cat Topaz if you want a gentle, loyal companion.

Tiffany: The robin’s egg blue little box tied with a white satin ribbon.

Yale: Shade of medium gray-blue used by Yale University for its colors.

Zaffre: A deep blue pigment generated by the roasting of cobalt ore.

In Conclusion

As you can see, we love cats with mystical blue eyes. Those sparkling blue marbles are as amazing as images of Earth, taken from outer space.

If you have some clever names for cats with blue eyes, feel free to share your cats’ names in the comments below!