Learning to ride horses can be such an exciting experience! It can provide you or your child with exercise, confidence and a sense of responsibility. There are a lot of things to make sure you know, before showing up to your first riding lesson! Here’s a list of English horse riding tips for beginners’ most frequently asked questions!
What Age is Best to Start Riding?
Introducing children to horses at a young age can help boost their confidence and give them a head start on being competitive, if they chose to compete as they get older. Typically, the youngest most “lesson farms” accept students is around the age of five years old. However, there are some lesson farms that will allow leadline lessons for children as young as three years old. This depends on their maturity level. Leadline lessons are given with the student on a horse with a saddle, bridle and reins. However the instructor maintains control of the horse or pony, with a long line, the leadline, attached to the bridle.
While starting young has its benefits, people of all ages can learn to ride. As an adult, typically learning to ride will be slightly more challenging, due to an adult’s developed sense of fear. Also, as an adult you will more than likely find your muscles sore after each ride, until you get stronger. If you overcome fears and physical limitations, there’s nothing that can hold you back from becoming a successful rider at any age.

What to Wear on Your First English Horse Riding Lesson?
There are three important items to make sure you wear to your first riding lesson!
- First, a helmet. Protecting your head from injury is the most important thing to do when riding. Typically all lesson farms have helmets available to borrow or rent during your first lesson. However it is important to ask before the lesson, to ensure you or your child’s safety is put first!
- Second, boots with a heel. This one is often forgotten, but is the second most important article to wear while riding a horse. The reason a boot with a heel is so important is that while riding, your foot will be in a stirrup. A boot with a heel prevents your foot from slipping through the stirrup and potentially causing an accident.
- Third, pants. Pants are the third most important article to have while riding and being around horses. Long, sturdy pants protect your legs from injury. While riding your leg is exposed to leather on the saddle and stirrup which cause rubs and bruises. So, no matter how warm it is, leave the shorts for another occasion.
What Do English Horse Riding Lessons Typically Cost?
Depending on where you are taking lessons and the cost of living in that area, lessons cost anywhere from $50-$200. When looking into a lesson farm to learn to ride, one important factor to consider is, cheapest does not always mean the best. Search the Internet for “English horse riding lessons near me.” That should give you a few options to chose from. Make sure you research reviews and visit the facility prior to booking a lesson for you or your child. While there, pay close attention to the condition of the horses. It costs a lot to feed and care for horses, as well as run a facility that gives safe and fun lessons! Your lesson money should be reflected in the quality of care for the horses, as well as the knowledge provided by the instructor!
Remember, it would be in your best interest to pay $75 for a lesson on a well-trained and well cared for horse, with a knowledgeable trainer. Paying $25 for a lesson with a malnourished horse and a person with limited knowledge or care for their animals can frequently mean pennywise but pound foolish.
Also, get a feel for the instructor’s manner. Is this someone you want as a role model for your child? Is this someone you would feel comfortable being corrected by? After all, being corrected is a main goal of riding lessons, in order to improve. An instructor’s style plays an important role in how much you or your child will enjoy the lessons and grow from them.

How Many Lessons Should You Plan to Take Per Week?
Depending on your riding goals, for English horse riding lessons for beginners, start with once a week as a target to build a foundation! Riding once a week gives your body and mind plenty of time to recover before your next lesson. As you grow as a rider, get stronger, and start to develop more riding goals, bumping your lessons up to two or three times a week is beneficial!
Number One First Time Riding Tip: Be Patient!
Going into your first lesson, one of the most important things to keep in mind is be patient. Next, always listen to your instructor. Becoming a knowledgeable equestrian takes time and listening to your instructor. Trying your best to retain that information will allow you to move further and learn more quicker.
It’s also important to be patient, and not get frustrated easily. Horseback riding is an extremely tough sport, however it is one of the most rewarding sports there is.
Final Thoughts on English Horse Riding Tips For Beginners
I hope some of these tips are helpful as you prepare for your first riding lesson! Remember to always ask your instructor, if there are any specific things you need to know from them before arriving for your first lesson. Most importantly, have fun!!
About the Author

I’m Cheyenne West! I have been riding horses since I was 4 years old and training professionally for 10 years. As a professional, I primarily work with Arabians. This breed is one
of my favorite breeds due to their intelligence and kindness.
The last 3 years I spent training a group of students from their first ride to winning their first Regional Championships. This year, 5 of my students went to the Region 15/16 championships in Virginia and every student came back with Top 5, Reserve or Champion Roses.
As of January 1st, 2025, I am training in Michigan, learning and apprenticing from two of the top trainers in the Arabian Horse Industry. I am looking forward to this new adventure and can’t wait to take many more horses and children to the winners circle!