Whether you are seeking a punny name for your fur purrson or are mostly looking for a laugh, we have your comprehensive list of funny, punny and silly cat names. Accordingly, we encourage you to make your own punny cat names from your favorite actor, author or musician. Please feel free to share your silly cat name ideas in the comments. Now, let’s share a laugh with these purrfect kitty monikers, mostly made from plays on furry words, celebrity names and characters from history, movies, music and literature.
Punny Cat Monikers from Celebs with a Tweak
These punny names are play on celebrity names chiefly from the cat walk and the silver screen.
Al Pawcino: (Al Pacino)
Bruce Flea (Bruce Lee)
Cat Moss: (Kate Moss. Super model on the catwalk.)
Cat Sajak (Pat Sayjak)
Catrick Fluffy (Patrick Duffy)
Catrick Stewart (Patrick Stewart. Star Trek and X-Men avatar).
CATrick Swayze (Patrick Swayze)
Catsy Cline: (Patsy Cline)
Catty LaBelle (Patti Labelle)
Charlton Hisston: (Charlton Heston)
Cindy Clawford (Cindy Crawford)
Clawdia Schiffer (Claudia Schiffer)
Clawed Monet (Claude Monet)
Cookie Meowster (Cookie Monster)
Eartha Kitten (Eartha Kitt)
Feline Dion (Selene Dion)
Freddy Purrcury (Freddy Mercury)
Fuzz Aldrin (Buzz Aldrin)
Hairy Styles
Henry Kittinger: (The smartest man on Earth, Henry Kissinger)
Hisstopher Walken: (Christopher Walken, “more cat bell.”)
Hissy Spacek (Sissy Spacek)
Jeromy Lions: (Jerome Irons)
Jude Klaw: (Jude Law)
Kate Kittleton (Kate Middleton)
Kitty Purry: (Katy Perry, her cat is named Kitty Purry)
Meowly Cyrus: (Miley Cyrus)
Neil Purrt: (Neil Peart, Rush drummer)
Sir Paw McCartnety: (Paul McCartney)
Best in Show Pawker Posey: (Parker Posey)
Songstress Pawtula Clark: (Petula Clark)
Puma Thurman: (Uma Thurman)
Purrcy Sledge: (Percy Sledge, singer)
Silly Cat Names From Movies, History and Literature
Alexander Pusskin: Alexander Pushkin, poet, playwright and novelist, is the father of modern Russian literature. Name our kitty Pusskins or Pushkin for a clever, highbrow kitty name.
Baby Puss: The Flintstones saber-toothed cat.
Cat Woman: Batman nemesis.
Esquire Catticus Finch: Attorney at Paw in To Kill a Mockingbird, like every good kitty should. His children were saved by Mew Radley.
Cato: Kato is the Green Hornet’s talented sidekick.
Chairman Meow: Chairman Mao Se Tung.
Clawdius the God: I Claudius, by Robert Graves.
Dirty Hairy: Harry Callahan in Dirty Harry.
Fluffy the Vampire Slayer: Also known as, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Hairy Pawter: Harry Potter franchise.
The Great Catsby: F. Scott Fitzgerald’s masterpiece. Catsby makes a brilliant cat name.
Katniss Everdeen: Hunger Games heroine.
Kitty Kitty Bang Bang: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Lady Catterly: Lady Chatterley’s Lover.
Lucas MewCaine: The Rifleman, played by Chuck Connors, and known chiefly to his son as Paw.
Lucifur aka Meowphistopheles
Madame Marie Purrie: Madame Curie, two time Nobel prize winner, she manifestly changed our understanding of radioactivity.
Mewlius Caesar: Julius Caesar, unquestionable the greats of the Caesars.
Mewsolini: Mussolini, Italian dictator who importantly made the trains run on time.
Meowdelaine Albright: First US female Secretary of State, Madelaine Albright.
Meowy Shelly: Mary Shelly, author of Frankenstein.
Miss Kitty: Essentially Sherriff Matt Dillon’s favorite aging, moralizing Madame in Gunsmoke.
Oedipuss: Tragic Greek hero, chiefly in love with his own mother.
Pawley Golightly: Holly Golightly, played by Pawdrey Hepburn, in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
Pawpeye Doyle: The French Connection’s Popeye Doyle.
Paws!: Terrifying shark film, Jaws.
Purrminator: The Terminator.
Purry Mason: Perry Mason, played by Raymond Purr!
Puss Moth: De Haviland aircraft.
Ms. Pussy Galore: James Bond nemesis, turned ally in Goldfinger. Pussy Galore and her Flying Circus are aerial aviator acrobats, like most domestic cats.
Pussy Riot: Russian, feminist, punk rock band imprisoned for anti-Putin messaging.
Pussycat Pussycat, (I love You): Tom Jones song and 1970 film.
Pussycat Doll: American girl group band from the 1990s.
Santa Claws: aka Hiss Kringle.
Shakespurr: The bard.
Winston Purrchill: For the laidback cat.

Silly Cat Calls
Hissy Fit
Silly Cat Names from Badass Gangster Names
Can there be anything more appropriate than a gangster name for a cat? Cats are rough and tumble, especially when dealing with “dirty rats.” Here we have a compilation of punny gangster names, as well as weird but true gangster names. Moreover, we also had a go at some Hip Hip, gangsta, silly cat names for your amusement.
Al Catpone: Al Capone, still the best know gangster of all time.
Baby Furface Nelson: Baby Face Nelson
Big Pussy: Sopranos character.
Big Tuna: Anthony Accardo’s nickname is pretty silly especially for a cat name.
Billy the Cat: Billy the Kid
Bugsy Fleagel: Bugsy Seigel
Button: Made hitman
Capo: Head of the crew
Dapper Don: John Gotti aka The Teflon Don
El Chapo
Frank Catstello: Frank Costello
Frank Kitty: Frank Nitti
Goombah: Associate
Good Fella
Hip Hop King of Scratch
Hymie Weisskers: Hymie Weiss
Ice Pick Willie: Israel Alderman
John Litteringer: John Dillinger
Kitty Scarfo: Nicky Scarfo
La Catsa Nostra: La Cosa Nostra (American Mafia, translates as “our thing”)
Legs Diamond
Licky Luciano: Lucky Luciano
Little Caesar: Edward G. Robinson role
Louhiss Lepke: Louis Lepke
Ma Pawker: Ma Barker
Machine Gun Kitty: Machine Gun Kelly
Meower Lansky: Meyer Lanksy
Meowsellus Wallace: Marsellus Wallace of Pulp Fiction.
Murder Inc.
Nipsey Hussle
The Notorious C.A.T.
Oddfather: Vincent Gigante (feigned insanity thereby avoiding prosecution).
Omerta: Vow of slience.
Paul Licka: Paul Ricca
Paw Castellano: Paul Castellano
Pretty Boy Floyd
Public Enemy
Sammy the Bull: Salvatore Gravano
Snoop Catt
Soldata: Italian term for soldier in the mafia.
The Black Hand
Joe Bananas: Joseph Bonanno
Tucat Shapurr: Tupac Shakur
Wise Guy: Made man
The Wizard of Odds: Donald Angelini
Final Thoughts on Silly Cat Names
Here are a few tips to create your own unquestionably funny cat names from your favorite authors, movie stars and characters. Use these cat related terms to substitute syllables in your favorite celebrity name: kitten, kitty, paw, purr, mew, meow, hiss, fur and claw. Additionally, you may be able to subsequently work in tail, alley or tabby in your puns.
Lastly, make sure you are comfortable calling your cat by this name for the next 13-21 years! Try it out on your kitty, and see if it catches his attention, or does he just turn and leave the room, while you cry out, “Shane! Don’t go!”
Don’t forget to share your punny cat name creations with us here, in the comments section below. Obviously we love to laugh with you!