This is my experience with Canine Degenerative Myelopathy, a heartbreaking diagnosis. I’d like to share what you should look for in Degenerative Myelopathy in dogs, stages, and symptoms. Plus, some stories of others who have a pet with DM or have lost one to it.
What Is Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)?
Canine degenerative myelopathy (DM) is a degenerative disease that affects a dog’s spinal cord in progressive stages. It’s incurable and results in a general paresis of the back legs. It has similar symptoms to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS) in humans.
Halfway through November 2003, our dog Tsjip was diagnosed with DM. By April 2004, she was having more and more difficulty walking. Long walks had already been out of the question for quite a while. She would potter around a bit outside to pee and poop, sniff around, and then go back inside. The disease progressed slowly and painlessly at first, but eventually, her quality of life was compromised. At that point, we faced one of the most difficult decisions pet owners have to make.

Canine Degenerative Myelopathy Stages & Symptoms
DM or ALS starts with a loss of control in the back legs, causing weakness and loss/lack of coordination in the muscles. I’ll describe what we saw happening to our dog from the start.
One day in November 2003, when Tsjip was eight years old, we noticed that she was limping a bit on one rear paw. The limping was more like a series of short waggles and was hard to notice at first. Initially, we thought she had misstepped, but after a few days, it didn’t go away and even got worse.
We decided to see a veterinarian, and after many tests, he ruled out everything other than DM. This was awful news for us; we had already lost her litter sister Sarah two weeks earlier to Addison’s disease.
Degenerative Myelopathy in Dogs Stages
- The dog drags back leg(s)
- The dog’s back legs show weakness
- The dog begins losing control of its back legs
- The dog’s back legs begin collapsing
- The dog becomes paralyzed
Degenerative Myelopathy in dogs stages start with mild hind leg weakness and progress to complete paralysis. The stages of Degenerative Myelopathy in dogs involve loss of coordination, difficulty walking, and eventually inability to stand or move independently.

What Causes Degenerative Myelopathy?
It is still unknown what the etiology of this disease is. Research shows that a mutation in the SOD1 gene is a risk factor for developing degenerative myelopathy in many dog breeds. It presents similarly to ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) in humans.
Before diagnosing a dog with DM, you have to rule out all other spinal cord disorders, such as intervertebral disc disease or spinal cord tumors, which have similar symptoms to DM.
Varying opinions about degenerative myelopathy exist. Dr. Clemmens of the University of Florida likens DM to human MS. Upon the publication of his website in 1998, Dr. Clemmens expressed a desire to treat the disease like MS. These plans were not seen through.
Dr. Coates, from the University of Missouri, likens DM to ALS, as most scientists do today. The University of Missouri currently runs a DNA test that detects a mutation in the SOD1 gene. SOD1 might be responsible for the enzyme superoxide dismutase. This enzyme manufactures the most numerous cell in the canine body. It’s possible that DM genetic mutations are also breed-specific; two carrier dogs and one noncarrier dog still develop the actual disease.
Common Carriers of Degenerative Myelopathy
Degenerative myelopathy is most often seen in the following dog breeds:
- German Shepherd
- Pembroke Welsh Corgi
- Boxer
However, the gene mutation in SOD1 has been found in at least 43 other breeds, including:
- Wire Fox Terrier
- Chesapeake Bay Retriever
- Rhodesian Ridgeback
- Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Testing for DM Is Possible
Nowadays, it’s possible to screen dogs for DM through a DNA saliva test. They perform this test at the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals in Columbia, Missouri. By testing the high-risk breeds, it should be possible to reduce the occurrence of DM.
A veterinarian has to interpret the lab results and the clinical signs to make a proper diagnosis. The following table represents the probability of gene mutation carrier status.
Possible Lab Results for DM
Genotype | Status | Results |
Normal/Normal (N/N) | Clear | Some cases report that N/N dogs have developed the disease. |
Normal/Abnormal (N/A) | Carrier | The dog will not develop DM but can give it to their offspring. |
Abnormal/Abnormal (A/A) | At Risk | Likely to develop DM. |
DM Dogs: Breeding and Heritability Risks
If you want to know the probability that your pup is a carrier of or at risk of developing DM, this can be calculated using a Punnett square:
- If both parents are clear, then all of the puppies will be clear.
- If one parent is a carrier and the other one is clear, then each puppy has a 50% chance of being clear and a 50% chance of being a carrier.
- If both parents are carriers, then each puppy has a 25% chance of being clear, a 50% chance of being a carrier, and a 25% chance of being at risk.
- If one parent is clear and the other one is at risk, then all puppies will be carriers.
- If one parent is a carrier and the other one is at risk, then each puppy has a 50% chance of being a carrier and a 50% chance of being at risk.
- If both parents are at risk, then all puppies will be at risk.
Living With DM
DM is irreversible and cannot be cured. After a diagnosis, all you can do is make sure your dog is comfortable. Exercising is good, but don’t overdo it. Your dog will tell you when enough is enough.
We kept Tsjip going for as long as we could. She slept on a blanket because climbing in or onto something was difficult for her. This way, she had full sight of us, and we had full sight of her. Her bed was also close to the outside door.

Ways to Improve Quality of Life
Today, physical therapy or water therapy for dogs is a possibility, and it might help to slow worsening symptoms. In Tsjip’s lifetime, these options were not available, at least not where I live. While doing my research for this article, I found the following on Wikipedia:
Use of a belly sling or hand-held harness allows the handler the ability to support the dog’s hind legs for exercising or going up and down stairs. A 2-wheel dog cart or “dog wheelchair” can allow the dog to remain active and maintain its quality of life once signs of weakness or paralysis of the hind limbs is detected.
We used a belly sling to support her at the end. I had never seen or heard about a two-wheel dog cart, but I think that even if I had known, I would’ve chosen not to take it that far.
Wheelchair or Euthanasia
I’m not in favor of a dog wheelchair. It might look like the invention of the year, and many videos want to convince us that it’s helping the dog to get around again. They show us happy dogs running around, but how do they pee and poop?
They only show you one small part of the dog’s real-life circumstances. They don’t show you the dog’s life inside the house when he/she gets disconnected from the wheelchair. Will the dog still be a happy dog when they’re not able to do the things a dog should be doing? In a 24-hour period, how many hours will the dog run around in their wheelchair? Two or three hours at most?
If you’re considering putting your dog in a wheelchair, it’s important to ask yourself if you’re doing it for the dog’s sake or your own peace of mind.
Tsjip Stayed Playful Until the End
When it comes to the final stages of degenerative myelopathy in dogs, their back legs collapse completely and they become paralyzed. It’s heartbreaking to watch, but Tsjip stayed playful until the end. She loved to tear our plastic bags apart. She never swallowed the pieces, as you can see in this last video. We recorded the video below towards the end when she had a hard time standing up. She was never in pain through the whole ordeal.
It’s very difficult to pick the right time for euthanasia. The criterion for us was the following: the moment she either became incontinent or could not reach her water bowl by herself. The latter came first, and so we decided to put her down.
We Lost Both Dogs Within 6 Months
It’s hard to lose both your dogs within six months’ time at a rather young age. We lost them due to two different diseases, both irreversible and incurable. Degenerative myelopathy is a painless process, but it’s heartbreaking to see its fast progression in a dog.
Dogs with Addison’s disease can still live happy, comfortable lives. Yet, at some point, they will die either from the disease or from the heavy medical regimen they have to follow.

Keep a Close Eye on Your Dog
Be alert if you notice a change in your dog’s gate or mobility impairment of the hind legs that doesn’t go away. It could mean that your dog has degenerative myelopathy. Consult your vet.
More About Degenerative Myelopathy in Dogs & Stages
Gene Therapy for Canine Degenerative Myelopathy
The other day I got an email from a USA dog owner telling me that her 10-year-old corgi recently had been diagnosed with DM. The reason she sent me this email was the following, and I quote: “They would like to do a Gene Therapy study on my dog to possibly slow down the progression, and ultimately it would help humans with ALS,” and she wanted to know if I had heard about this study.
I had not heard about it, so I searched the internet and found a lot about gene therapy, what it is, and how it works. However, I also found something interesting on the website of the AKC Canine Health Foundation about Gene Therapy for Canine Degenerative Myelopathy. Let’s hope they will get some good results in due time.
Others’ Stories of DM
Since writing this article, I’ve had several people who have a dog with DM or have lost a beloved companion to the disease. I’ve included them here.
In July 2018, a man called John contacted me through HP. Here’s his message:
“Thanks for the article. July 3rd i lost my 14 year old lab to what I believe was DM. It wasn’t diagnosed, there wasn’t time to diagnose it from the moment I noticed back leg problems to the complete inability to use them. Maybe 2 weeks at best. I’ve done research and initially thought it was hip displaysia, but after I came across this disease and watching videos such as yours and comparing my dog, it was spot on. I agree with you about the wheelchair idea. In fact, today I saw a man with his 2 dogs and one was with wheel chair. I had a brief moment of guilt bcause I could have extended my girls life with the wheelchair. However I came to my senses and realized it would only be good for walks, which is a very small portion of her life. It hurts but she was 14 and to the very last day she still wanted to eat. She loved to eat. For that I am grateful and she lived til 14. My first dog ever and she will remain in my heart til I die. Thanks for sharing your experience. I will keep an eye out on my second dog that I have”.
I asked him permission to add his story to my article because I thought it could be important for other people to read that the stages of degenerative myelopathy in dogs can progress very quickly, as John just experienced with his old dog. So stay alert when your dog isn’t moving the rear legs like a dog should.
A woman called Tracy contacted me through HP in September 2018.
“Hello. I want to thank you for this article. I believe this is what my 13 year old lab had although not diagnosed. We made the very difficult decision to put him down yesterday after being incontinent and immobile for 2 days. My husband had used the belly sling for about 3 weeks. We had bought a wheelchair, but he just collapsed in it so it was not usable. This article makes me feel better that we did the right thing. I was feeling very guilty that we could’ve done more. So thank you again!”
Tina contacted me through HP in December 2018.
“Yesterday we lost our 11 yr old Wire Haired Pointing Griffon to DM. Your Tsjip reminded me of him so much. Your story and videos have given me such comfort in deciding to let our sweet boy go. My husband and I would have spent every dime we have on helping him, to keep him with us. But this disease is a thief. It robs our friends of every dignity and progresses so darn quickly, especially in latter stages. Our hearts are broken…our home is empty without him.”
On June 15, 2019, I got this email from Aideen from Ireland:
“I just wanted to say our baby Scamp who is only 6 years old was diagnosed with DM. She’s a Bernese Malamute cross. She had a massive behavioral change about 4 months ago where she started to have panic attacks daily. We couldn’t figure out what was wrong – blood tests turned up nothing. It progressed to lameness, dragging her feet, depression and sleeping all day. We found out she had DM and three compacted vertebrae in her neck and made the hardest decision of our lives to euthanize her. She hasn’t been herself in the last three months and the light has gone from her eyes. We are heartbroken but I wanted to let you know younger dogs can and do get this horrible disease. She also has an under active thyroid and severe arthritis from previous ACL inquiries which we thought we had managed successfully with rehabilitation and hydrotherapy. In hindsight I wish we had done the surgery, it may have given us more time. She’s our beautiful girl and I’ll never get over losing her.”

Seddonia on October 09, 2019:
Our beautiful King Charles Spaniel has this dreadful disease. Ruby is 14 years old and is otherwise in perfect health. She is now unable to walk so we carry her to her food bowl etc. and also carry her outside to pee and poo.
Strangely, she seems totally unfazed by any of this. She loves her cuddles on the sofa, rides in the car, and walks in her buggy. She’s bright-eyed, alert, and happy. We know that one day we will have to make the heartbreaking decision, but we believe that this will be when she begins to look unhappy. At the moment, she’s not, and fortunately, she’s small enough to carry, so for now we’ll do all we can for her until she lets us know she’s had enough.
Titia Geertman (author) from Waterlandkerkje – The Netherlands on April 08, 2019:
#George: If your dog has severe pain, it seems to me that your dog is not suffering from DM, but from something else. A dog with DM is not in pain at all, because in the final stages of degenerative myelopathy in dogs, they get paralyzed. I certainly would get a second opinion from another vet.
George on April 08, 2019:
Hi, my dog is 3 years old and was recently diagnosed with CDM (degenerative myelopathy). Within a week, he lost the ability to use his hind limbs. A CT scan shows the problem is in his spine. He is constipated, I guess because of the pain involved. What shocks me is that it all happened in a very short time span. I’m painfully considering having a vet put him down.
Ginger Edwards on March 08, 2019:
I’m going through this now. My Shepherd Molly received a diagnosis in April 2018 and almost a year later she has declined so much. When you look at her she doesn’t seem like herself she also lost her hearing. We have made the decision that we will have to let her go soon, she will be 13 on March 17th so after that we will come together as a family and let her go. We had to let her brother go in October 2018 due to cancer and still haven’t gotten over that so this will be very hard but I don’t want her to suffer anymore.
Titia Geertman (author) from Waterlandkerkje – The Netherlands on December 30, 2018:
#DW Davis: Sorry to hear about your son’s dog. It’s never the right time to lose a dog, but at least we humans can have a say in it to prevent them from suffering when there’s no hope of recovery.
DW Davis from Eastern NC on December 30, 2018:
We lost my oldest son’s dog to DM several years ago. Our son had raised Scout from a puppy of about 9 weeks. Scout had been rescued from the flood waters of Hurricane Floyd in the fall of 1999.
Scout’s symptoms progressed exactly as you described and our vet diagnosed correctly. We kept him comfortable as long as we could and the day we decided that keeping him going might be more about us not wanting to let go than it was about him, we knew it was time.
Titia Geertman (author) from Waterlandkerkje – The Netherlands on October 21, 2018:
#Debie: Sorry to hear about your dog and yes, it’s a tough decision you have to make, but you are the only one who can make it. About the CBD oil: I wouldn’t know. I’m not a doctor nor a vet but if it helps at all, I doubt it will help in the stage your dog is in now. Has your dog officially been diagnosed with MD? In that case, your vet should know and can give you advice about CBD oil. Don’t let your decision depend on what and how you feel but think carefully about what kind of life lies ahead for your dog. Only then you will make the right decision.
DEBIE on October 20, 2018:
Thank you for this article. I have a Belgian Malinois going through this now. He showed signs three years ago, slightly dragging one leg a tiny bit and hearing the nails scrape. One day two years ago, he couldn’t stand. I’m at the crossroads now – wait or put him down. His spirit is still 100%, but his body is rapidly declining now. So heartbreaking… I hear CBD oil has worked well, but I don’t know at what stage. He’s pretty advanced, so I’m skeptical if it will work. Such a beautiful soul… I can’t bear the thought of playing this hand… doesn’t seem fair.
Titia Geertman (author) from Waterlandkerkje – The Netherlands on September 01, 2018:
@Robing Flemish: I’m so sorry to learn about the condition of your old lab. know it’s a tough decision you have to make, but reading your story I know you’ll make the right one at the right time.
Robin Flamish on August 31, 2018:
Hello all, so glad to have come across this information. I too have a chocolate lab soon to be 12 years of age. Of course, need I say the love of my life. Last year I noticed my girl having problems breathing..heavy panting..difficulties dealing with the humidity and heat. We of course made an appointment and discovered she was dealing with the flaps in her throat that were not allowing air to get into her lungs, so we opted to have surgery to tie back one side to relieve the problem and give her a new lease in life.
One year later all was much better until a month ago when she began to lose the ability to jump on my bed..stand up..go for walks, etc. I can’t begin to express how painfully emotional all of this is to see..absolutely crushing! I have since learned that whatever causes the flaps in the throat to collapse is as well connected to the nerves in her back and hind legs which has resulted in this degenerative condition you speak of through these threads.
Needless to say, when she can no longer walk or needs to be lifted up…it will be time to lay her down. My heart is heavy…keeping her alive with no quality of life would only prove to be selfish and with no regard for her. Love your pets, take good care of them with all your heart! They depend on us to give them a good life.
Titia Geertman (author) from Waterlandkerkje – The Netherlands on August 22, 2018:
#Rininta Sen, so sorry to hear about your dad. Yes, it can happen to dogs too, but quite often the vets don’t recognize it.
Rinita Sen on August 22, 2018:
I lost my dad to ALS. I didn’t know it could happen to dogs as well. I still keep reading up on what is new with ALS research, and I need to look up gene therapy. Your dog was beautiful, and I am glad she went without much suffering. Thank you for your article.
Titia Geertman (author) from Waterlandkerkje – The Netherlands on July 27, 2018:
As I stated in my article, Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) in humans and DM in dogs have very similar symptoms.